Ismail Kasumi


Bjondi, a man around 35 years, faces with schizophrenic symptoms as a result of a bad story happened in his family. The death of the only daughter and the loss of his wife, forces Bjondi to give a duty to his friend Sam to find his wife’s killer.


Një histori bashkëkohore e cila zhvillohet në një fshat ballkanik ku e vjetrit me të ri, tradicionalia dhe modernia, lindoria dhe perëndimoria, të gjitha ndërthuren. Iliri, një i ri shqiptar nga Maqedonia që emigroi në Francë, ka vendosur të martohet me një grua franceze me emrin Sabine (ndoshta nga dashuria, por ndoshta edhe për të […]


“The Bloody Money” – Ismail Kasumi played role of Thief.     Produced by Arben Fejzullau Written/Directed by Erman Memedi Dop and Edited by Erman Memedi Cast: Musa Isufi, Mirsad Abazi,Ismail Kasumi Synopsis: The unfortunate history of three friends after kidnaping of the bank. 


“MY CITY SCREAMS” – Ismail Kasumi in the role of Zef. Producer: Arben Fejzullahu, Written/Directed: Ibrahim Deari, Film Editor: Erman Memedi, Dop:Ibrahim Deari, Visual Effects:Erman Memedi, Actors: Musa Isufi, Shkelqim Islami, Mirsad Abazi, Ismail Kasumi, Scenography: Ardian Kadriu.  “MY CITY SCREAMS” – Ismail Kasumi in the role of Zef.Producer: Arben Fejzullahu,Written/Directed: Ibrahim Deari,Film Editor: Erman Memedi,Dop:Ibrahim Deari,Visual […]


“MARK AND HIS DESTINY” – Ismail Kasumi in the role of MARKU. Written & Directed by Valon Aziri Actors: Ismail Kasumi & Aleksandra Pesevska Sinopsis: Mark have to do the right choice between Love & Passion.  “MARK AND HIS DESTINY” – Ismail Kasumi in the role of MARKU. Written & Directed by Valon Aziri Actors: […]


KESULAT, which translates as The Hats, tells the story of a village doctor who befriends the only Serbian family in a Kosovan village and is treated like a traitor. Alban Bregu is the village doctor-an Albanian whose patients include his neighbour, Dragan Mulutinovic, a Serb , who lives in the village with his young wife […]