Loot follows the fortunes of two young thieves, Hal and Dennis. Together they rob the bank next to the funeral parlour where Dennis works and return to Hal’s home to hide the money. Hal’s mother has just died and the money is hidden in her coffin while her body keeps on appearing around the house. Upon the arrival of Inspector Truscott, the plot becomes bizarre as Hal and Dennis try to keep him off their trail, aided by Nurse McMahon and to the despair of Hal’s father, Mr. McLeavy. The play satirises the rituals of bereavement, and the mismatch between nominal standards of behaviour – religious and secular – and people’s actual conduct. The police, as represented by Inspector Truscott, are depicted as venal and corrupt.
Author: Joe Orton
Director:Ben Apolloni
Cast: Sefedin Shabani
Rabije Alilovska
Shkëlqim Islami
Ismail Kasumi
Beqir Nuredini
Qazmedin Nuredini
Scenography : Armend Ademi
Costumography : Bjondina Abdulii
Music : Orhan Shaqiri
photo by: FrameIn Production