Argan, a fearful but miserly hypochondriac, divides his time between summoning the doctor to care for his ills and trying not to settle the resultant bills. He resolves to marry his daughter, Angélique, to a medical student, hoping to acquire unlimited access to gratis consultation. The chosen fiancé is an unattractive dolt, who would never interest Angélique, even if she were not already in love with clever, handsome Cléante, who poses as her music instructor.
Argan’s wife, however, plans to send Angélique to a convent, removing her from the line inheritance. At the urging of the sensible servant Toinette, he feigns death to test his wife’s affection only to discover her contempt. Again with the help of Toinette, the young lovers convince Argan to liberate himself from the twin tyrannies of his ailing body and his grasping physicians by becoming his own doctor. The play closes with the physicians’ lively examination of Argan and his entry into the profession, full of musical pomp and pidgin Latin
Author: J.B Moliere (Poquelin)
Director: Ahmet Jakupi
Scenography: Ardian Kadriu
Costumography: Armend Ademi
Cast: Sefedin Shabani, Enver Halimi, Linda Shabanii, Azra Sallahi, Mirsad Abazi, Ismail Kasumi, Shkumbin Zeqiri.